Request ResortCleaning Info

Just answer a few quick questions and you'll be on your way to elevated property management.
Deborah Naugle
Maid Your Way Cleaning LLC
Five Star Icon

I just want to give an amazing shout out to the founder and staff of ResortCleaning. I have lived Panama City Beach my entire life. I've been cleaning Condominiums on payroll since I was 15 years old and started my own cleaning company in 2000. I’ve used the old-fashioned pencil and paper way of doing things for many years. Over the last 5 years, I've searched for a more modern way to make things simpler. I scoped out various software platforms for the housekeeping field. Last year in 2019 I found Resort Cleaning. I shied away at first but if anybody knows anything about me, I usually take the bull by the horns. in fact, that's exactly what I did. Jim Duncan and his staff are amazing people and I am truly the one who is blessed. After being introduced to this software I soon learned I would not know how I would live without it. It is a revolutionary part of my life I use on a daily basis!!  This team is by a far top of the line and much respect goes out to them.

Thank You Jim and staff for a life changing gift and tool!!!

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Get Started with ResortCleaning

Just answer a few quick questions and you'll be on your way to elevated property management.
Miranda McGregor
Diamond M. Services
Five Star Icon

I can honestly say, without a doubt, signing up for ResortCleaning was one of the best decisions I've ever made in my business. The amount of time it saves me when it comes to scheduling, chasing cleaners on busy turnaround days so inspectors know where they are and when units are ready is a blessing.  Also, the reduction in phone calls and text messages from property managers wanting to know if their property is ready is down by just about 100%. The ability for property managers to link their Vrbo calendars is just another great benefit,they can schedule their own appointments with just a few clicks, which means minimal to no manual entry for any of us, again allowing us both to focus on other aspects of our businesses. This system has simplified my payroll, my billing and made my business more efficient so I can focus on what I should be focusing on as a business owner. The one thing I would say to any vacation property cleaning company out here who hasn't seen or doesn't think they "need" this system...... you need to check it out and yes, you do NEED this system, I promise you, try it for 30 days in your peak season and you'll never not use it! Thank you ResortCleaning for creating this great system,going the extra mile and always, always being open to suggestions for improvements to benefit all of us in the cleaning industry.

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